Toenail Fungus Home Remedy

Are you searching toenail fungus home remedy? With sandal season upon us, you will want to clear up those funky toenails and show off your pretty feet. You will be reading about some toenail fungus home remedies that can work for you.There are many things you can do at home without having to go to the doctor. You don't need to spend the money and the time on a doctor. It is easy and cheap to solve toenail fungus remedy at home.

Toenail Fungus Home Remedy

The first thing you will want to do is to soak your feet in warm water to soften the nails and cuticles. You will want to push back and scrape off all of the overgrown cuticles. Then you will need to clip your toenails. First you will clip them across, like usual. Then you will use the clippers to cut them thin. You are not actually cutting into the toenail; you are cutting the thickened fungus part off. This won't hurt a bit. If it does hurt, then stop. You have clipped too far. You can also use a nail file to rub off the thickened portion of the nail.

One effective home remedy is a menthol rub You can find this in the cough and cold section of any drug store. Rub this on the toenails several times a day. It may take a few weeks, but this will clear up the fungus, and pretty soon you will be growing normal nails again.
Cold sore ointment is also an effective toenail fungus home remedy. This is usually found in the first aid section of the drug store. It is supposed to work on cold sores, but it works just as well with on our toenails so go ahead and try it. Just remember, it takes time.

Tea Tree Oil works well for this problem, and the good thing about this is it doesn't smell bad like Vicks or Campho Phenique. You will need to use pure tea tree oil, and you might have to go to a health food store or organic store to find it. It is more expensive than the others, but you don't need to use much. Since it doesn't smell, it might be worth the extra cost. It is still not nearly as expensive as a visit to your physician.
Athlete's foot medication also works well, since that is a fungus just like your toenail problem. Many of these solutions come in either spray or powder form. Either works well, just apply it to clean feet.

Speaking of clean feet, you must keep your feet very clean at all times. Don't wear sandals until your infection is cleared up. Wear white cotton socks to keep your feet as clean as possible, and wash them several times a day in hot soapy water. Make sure to dry them carefully so that you don't reinfect your feet.
It is important to change your shoes often. This will allow hot, sweaty, damp shoes to air out before you put them on again. If you keep your feet clean, and your foot wear clean, and follow these instructions, you should clear up that toenail fungus in no time.

Read more : pseudomonas nail infection , nail bed infection , treating toenail fungus treatment ,  nail psoriasis treatment 

Toenail Fungus Home Remedy